Turtle River Falls and Gardens

Nature, River


Turtle River Falls and Gardens is a 15-acre tropical garden located in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. The property features 14 cascading waterfalls where the Turtle River pours into. The gardens are home to several varieties of indigenous and endangered plants that grow naturally. Professional photographers are available to capture your unforgettable moments to later be procured at the gift shop along with other trip keepsakes.

Opening Hours

The Turtle River Falls and Gardens is open to the public Mondays to Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Usually, the Turtle River Falls and Gardens is closed on Sundays. However, special arrangements may be made for visits. Applications for Sunday visits are dealt with under “How to Book a Visit”.








Children up to 11 years old



*prices are subject to change without prior notice*

Food Service

The Restaurant and Grill are currently not open. At this time visitors are allowed to carry their own food on property. However, Ice Cream, a range of soft beverages, energy drinks and beers are sold at the snack counter located in the lobby.

 A Tour of the Garden and Falls

The Gardens are dominated by the breathtaking waterfalls on the Turtle River which run south to north throughout the Gardens. For the purpose of the Tour the Garden is divided into two segments:

·         Segment One – Formal Tropical Garden

·         Segment Two – Tropical Rainforest

Formal Tropical Garden

The Formal Tropical Garden highlight flowering trees and shrubs, fruit trees, ferns and palms and is located on the flat central portion of the land surrounding the major buildings and facilities.

Tropical Rainforest

The Rainforest surrounds the most majestic of the waterfalls and also surrounds the upper steeper portion of the property. The many and famous viewing platforms along the river provide the perfect viewing point to appreciate the plant diversity of the rainforest. Clearly seen along the river walk are the four levels typical of a rainforest, namely, the emergent level, the canopy, the understory and the forest floor, providing fantastic educational opportunity on the world’s imperilled rainforests and what is required to preserve them.

Visit to The Aviary

The Walk-In-Aviary (382,329 cubic feet) is 140 feet in diameter and 75 feet in height and covers approximately 15,400 square feet of land space and is stocked with colourful tropical birds including some of the 27 species endemic to Jamaica. The Aviary offers a vivid interactive experience for visitors who are permitted, as additional entertainment, to interact and feed the birds.


The Gardens are dominated by the breath-taking waterfalls on the Turtle River which run south to north throughout the Gardens.

Lose yourself amongst our fourteen natural waterfalls with meandering streams and spring-fed pools.

Experience a tropical fantasy as you climb the waterfalls 

Refresh and revitalize your body in our waterfalls while taking memorable photographs against the majestic backdrop.

Tropical Isle Swimming Pool

You may also swim and enjoy relaxing drinks at the pristine tropical-isle swimming pool with swim-up pool bar.

How to Book a Visit

You can do any one of the following:

  • Call (876) 974-8508 / (876) 974-5114 / (876) 974-8418 to speak with one of our representatives who will gladly take your details and.
  • Go to our Contact Us page and submit a message.
  • Send us an e-mail at turtleriverfallsandgardens@gmail.com.

Your email should include your name, telephone contacts, address, date being booked and the total number of adults and children scheduled to visit.

In the case of Groups: the name of the organisation and the name and contacts of the Designated-Person-in-Charge of the Group is required.

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