Rastafari Indigenous Village



The Rastafari Indigenous Village is a traditional community that welcomes guests interested in learning more about the nature-based Rastafari way of life. The Village offers day tours and five-day immersive retreats, by reservation only. 

The Village was founded in 2007 and has been in a process of constant evolution ever since. Its purpose has always been the preservation, protection and promotion of the traditional Rastafari way of life. Activities are limited to small, customized day visits and immersive on-site retreats. Learn how to make drums and soaps by hand, from artisans preserving traditional Rastafari techniques. Reason with the elders; learn the true history and heritage; wrap those lessons into your own dreams. Wade across the river; swim in the deeper spots; drink coconut "wata" morning, noon and night.

Come visit a community that preserves traditions, protects the natural environment, and promotes the Rastafari way of life. Wake up to the sound of songbirds, river water and the chanting/drumming of traditional Rastafari music in the Tabernacle. Walk down a flower lined path to the garden and harvest some callaloo or cacao, and bring it up to our Ital kitchen that cooks the most delicious and authentic plant based food on the island. Pound your own cacao for chocolate tea; press your own cane juice; help make recipes that originated in Africa.

The Village is an actual, functioning community that is home to several families. These families include mothers, fathers, elders and children. Visitors are welcomed as honored guests to our home, not as tourists coming to an attraction.

The number of guests we welcome is strictly limited to ensure an authentic and intimate cultural exchange.

All guests must have confirmed reservations before visiting.


  • Family Friendly

  • Gift shop

  • Historical

  • Onsite restaurant

  • Parking

  • Restrooms


Rastafari Indigenous Village

Fairfield Cres, Montego Bay, St. James

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