Bellefield Great House

Historical Site


Located in the hills in the village of Granville, south of Montego Bay, the Bellefield Great House has sweeping views of greater Montego Bay, the cruise ship terminal and the Caribbean sea. It has the been in the Kerr-Jarrett family since the late 1700s. The exact date of the origin of the house is unconfirmed, but is believed to be the outgrowth of a militia post that was established on the island in the 1600s. The architecture pre-dates the Georgian period, but has many of the features common to plantation homes that were later incorporated into the Great Houses built in the 1700s that have a more Jamaican Georgian style, such as a ground floor with stone walls, an upper floor framed in wood, verandahs and louvered shutters.

The house is open to the public for tours and is well worth a visit. It is well preserved with furnishings and artefacts from the 19th century on display. The sugar mill, one of the largest on the island, is now used as a restaurant.

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